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Monsieur Inwood

The power of writing


The power of writing

One word, a lot of senses

Dear readers,

In this summer warm night, I turn to you with an open heart. It is late and I can’t sleep. I asked myself questions about me, my experience and the person I have become. I was thinking about the direction of my life and I wonder that I will never be the man I become without writing.

When I was younger, I had not much ease than today to express myself, to tell my feelings. This is why I started writing, I let myself be immerged in this universe. I was trying to put words in a little red notebook with golden pages that I kept. It was my grandfather’s notebook. When I was starting out it was hard, I was only writing few sentences without succeeded in expressing myself really. But I never stopped and with hindsight I wonder that writing has been salutary; it gives me the possibility to reveal myself, to know me.

Read the thoughts of others is a very personal art, something very intimate. You directly enter in his heart and you can discover his thoughts from the most beautiful to the darkest ones. Because words are never randomly chosen. Placed in a special place of the sentence, surrounded by a special punctuation, a word can have hundred senses. From love to hate, joy to sadness; writing is plural.

A delivery power

Writing had power, you can believe in it or not. When I was putting words on the paper, I was finally me, I can express myself and deliver everything that I was keeping inside. Writing had a delivery power and a self-expression power. In my opinion, writing is the best of the therapies, it is a way to externalise. Writing give you the possibility to put words on feelings that you can’t understand by your own. You know, it is a particular feeling that succeeded in understanding ourselves and to simply say what you will never be daring to say.

I found myself thanks to writing but I also discover myself thanks to it. I discover my darkest sides by writing what I have on my heart and I fight my old demons. Writing gave me the ability to move forward, to concentrate on myself and to grow up. It is thanks to its forces that I am the person I become today. First I told you that I was thinking about the direction of my life, I especially was thinking that I can never continue without writing. I cannot spend a day without writing, without writing to you dear readers. Because writing has taken such a huge place in my life.

It is with emotion that I am going to leave you by saying “writing is not just a row of words randomly put here, writing is a way to deliver your soul.”

See you soon, 


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