Science and literature
My dear readers,
Writer in my spare time, I am continually searching for new subjects and inspirations allowing me to take a paper and a pen to scratch this sheet who make me feel alive.
I take profit on my time in the hotel Le Tourville to write and present you one of this major inspiration source taking an integral part of my reflexions, thanks to meetings with writers in Livre Paris: Science. So many main authors gave me the opportunity to acquire knowledges which permits me to write today many articles, essays, news and books.
I think about Aristote, for physics, metaphysics, poetics and rhetorics.
I also think at Copernic and Galilée for theirs works on astronomy, mathematics and medicine. And what could I say about Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin or Albert Einstein? That I don’t think I should present you.
Scientific vulgarisation
That is how I decided to go to Livre Paris in the aim of discovering and share with modern scientifics writers, whose art remain in getting accessible to anyone the complex and evolutive science.
I can not wait to meet them. First of all because I feel an intense emotion when adults succeed to transmit their knowledges to children who, with their big astonished eyes, will became the future scientists.
By the way, it is the possibility to learn and talk about different subjects that make me so impatient. This is a list of what is waiting for me to give you an idea about what I am intersting in : Groenland, first ecyclopedic study and strategic issues ; Everything is not relative : could we explain universe origins ? 101 marvels from the sky that you have to see ; I saw a wild flower, Malicorne herbarium, to know our landscape flowers and Darwin, Bonaparte and the Samaritans, 3 characters of different ages.
My dear readers, how could I conclude differently than with a Rabelais’s quote: « Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul. »
See you soon!